
Sell your products online
Create a seller account and reach a global audience looking for house-finishing items.
How Works
Register your business
Create a simple Seller account. You will be requested to fill in some basic information about your business. After your account has been created, you can start selling.
List your items
Take high-quality photos of your products, provide enough details about it, set a fair price and you are good to go!
Get paid for your products
Collect payments easily from customers residing in any of the markets we operate in. Our payment gateway allows us collect all kinds of card payments
Why you should sell on
Accept payments seamlessly

Customers can pay for your items with any type of card. We also made the checkout experience quick and seamless so you don’t lose valuable customers.

Transparent payout process

Receive the payments for your items directly into your local bank account and in your local currency.

Promote your business

Our platform exposes your business to a large audience of eager customers who are looking for items youe sell.

Manage your business from anywhere

Use the Product Partner Hub to manage orders, update the house items, and respond to your customers on the go.

Ship to your customer

We take the burden of logistics off your shoulders to allow you focus on running your business.

Exposure to the African market

Sell your house finishing items to customers in emerging market--------- in Sub-Saharan Africa like Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.